Analysis of several methods suitable for cutting stainless steel pipes

Although stainless steel pipes are difficult to cut, their material properties are not very strong. In fact, because they are sticky, chips tend to stick to the tool, so they are classified as difficult-to-cut materials. Let’s list several cutting methods and analyze whether they can be used for stainless steel pipe cutting.

Flame cutting

This method does not work well for cutting stainless steel pipes. Because the tube ends are prone to discoloration and the melting point of the oxides of chromium-nickel stainless steel is higher than the melting point of the material itself, it is basically not possible to use this method for cutting.

Carbon arc gouging

This method refers to using an electric arc formed between a graphite rod or carbon rod and the workpiece to melt the metal, and using compressed air to blow it away. However, carbon arcs easily produce smoke, dust pollution and arc radiation. The inner wall of stainless steel pipes is prone to adhere to a large amount of molten and cooled metal residue, which is difficult to remove, so it is not suitable.

wire cutting

Although the use of wire cutting fast wire cutting can meet the incision quality requirements. However, it should be noted that the pipe end will change color after cutting and must be polished. The grinding speed is very slow, the production volume is very small, and it is basically not necessary for large-scale production.

Grinding wheel cutting machine

This method is to use an ordinary grinding wheel cutting machine to leave burrs and hanging flanges after cutting, and use it with a fully automatic stainless steel pipe end burr remover. The effect is very good and the processing cost is very low, but the disadvantage is the consumption of grinding wheels. It is relatively large and suitable for use when the quantity is small.

Automatic instrument lathe

For instrument lathe cutting of thin-walled stainless steel pipes, it is recommended to use high-quality white steel or sharp steel tools. Although the purchase cost is relatively high, the durability is good and the cut surface is very smooth. This method has a low degree of automation and high labor intensity. The efficiency of instrument lathes or automatic lathes has been greatly improved after automated modification, but the high-speed rotation of six-meter-long stainless steel pipes will cause problems and the thin-walled stainless steel pipes will be easily damaged.

Automatic steel pipe rotary cutting machine

This method is similar to an automatic instrument lathe, but if the tool is rotated and fed without moving the pipe, it can solve the inconvenience caused by the rotation of the over-length steel pipe. The cutting method of using two knives at the same time can achieve one knife cutting while the other knife corrects the steel pipe section. This method has high processing efficiency. It uses carbide tools and is very convenient to sharpen. It can be sharpened on an ordinary grinder and has high durability. Automatically realize the functions of feeding, sizing, clamping, tool feeding, loosening and other functions of steel pipes, and automatically cycle.

Hob chipless pipe cutting machine

The automatic hob pipe cutting machine only has a circumferential cutting edge and no serrations. While turning and feeding inward, the cuts produced will be smooth and smooth, without iron filings and burrs, and the inner wall will be slightly closed. However, with the addition of special tooling, the closing phenomenon can be greatly improved. The equipment cost is low, making it the most suitable choice for small and medium-sized enterprises. When cutting a stainless steel pipe with a wall thickness of 0.3 mm, tearing will occur at the moment of cutting, and the pipe mouth will be severely deformed. If a special device is added, this can be completely solved.

plasma cutting

The automatic plasma cutting machine has a fast cutting speed, but a large amount of molten and cooled metal residue will be attached to the inner wall of the stainless steel pipe, which is also troublesome to clean. Most plasma cutting generates heat, so the stainless steel pipe port will definitely change color, and parameter adjustment is difficult. If used improperly, it can easily produce poor cutting quality.

water jet

The cutting quality of the water jet is good, but the equipment is expensive and the cost of using electricity and consumables is high. Water jet cutting of stainless steel is not ideal because the stainless steel material is relatively sticky.

The last method is laser cutting. This method has fast processing speed, good quality, and relatively expensive equipment. It is suitable for large-scale production and processing enterprises with sufficient funds.
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