What are the characteristics of fingerprint-free stainless steel plates?

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-02 15:54:17

The fingerprint-free stainless steel plate is to coat the surface of the stainless steel plate with a protective layer of transparent colorless to light yellow liquid. ...

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304 stainless steel plate becomes a popular material for decorative design

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-01 15:28:31

The 304 stainless steel plate, with its powerful plasticity, allows designers to create without any restrictions and gain a wide range of space for ...

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Stainless steel plate selection tips

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-01 15:27:11

Before choosing a stainless steel plate, you need to consider the purpose and use environment of the stainless steel plate. ...

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Is the magnetic 304 stainless steel plate fake?

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-01 15:26:21

Is the magnetic 304 stainless steel plate fake? There is a popular saying among the people. Use a magnet to test the 304 stainless steel plate. If it can be attracted by the magnet ...

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The difference between 304 and 316 stainless steel plates

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-01 15:25:09

What is the difference between 304 and 316 stainless steel plates? In fact, 304 stainless steel plate and 316 stainless steel plate both belong to 300 series austenitic stainless steel, ...

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How long can 304 stainless steel plates stay rust-free?

Post on Industry News | 2023-11-01 15:24:23

The chromium content of 304 stainless steel plate is 18-19%, and the NI content is 8.0-8.9%. Due to its high nickel content, it has been greatly enhanced in anti-corrosion ...

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Stainless steel plate manufacturer selection method

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-31 17:06:35

With the continuous expansion of the field of stainless steel decoration, people's demand for stainless steel plates has become larger and larger, ...

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Why does colored stainless steel plate produce color difference?

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-31 17:05:52

As the processing technology of stainless steel plates becomes more and more mature, it is a piece of cake to electroplate stainless steel plates into colored stainless steel plates with various colors. ...

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Changes in colored stainless steel plates after fingerprint removal

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-31 17:04:47

Fingerprint-free is a popular stainless steel plate processing technology. It is loved by customers because of its strong anti-fouling and corrosion resistance. ...

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What should I do if the colored stainless steel plate is not resistant to dirt?

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-31 17:01:43

Colored stainless steel plates are generally affixed with a protective film before leaving the factory. In order to protect the product from stains and scratches ...

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Grinding and polishing process of 8K mirror stainless steel plate

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-30 15:56:33

In today's top decoration projects, high-end 8K mirror stainless steel plates are increasingly favored by most designers ...

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Top color stainless steel decorative plate price composition

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-30 15:55:38

Colored stainless steel decorative plates have become a popular decorative material. As a popular decorative material, have you found that the price of colored stainless steel plates fluctuates? ...

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Colored stainless steel decorative plates in corrosive environment

Post on Industry News | 2023-10-30 15:54:55

The application fields of colored stainless steel plates are very wide, so how to maintain stainless steel plates to make them more durable? ...

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Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump vacuum furnaces
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